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I am absolutely delighted to share all I was able to learn about wellbeing, health, nature and happiness. 
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The cool thing about mindfulness is that it can be practiced by anyone — even kids — in any place, at any time. So whether you want to learn to get in touch with your own emotions or teach mindfulness to your children, there's something out there for you...and more.
In this story, sleep experts help you understand the latest science. You’ll find out what really happens when you oversleep, along with how it affects your health...and more.
All together, that formula gives you five minutes of a full-body workout that both boosts strength and gets your heart rate up. Simply repeat for as many rounds as you’d like.
Again, you pick the moves and how many rounds you do so it’s totally customizable to YOU...and more.
Regular exercise makes you physically fit, and being fit reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and premature death — even if you can't get down to a healthy weight...and more.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and without proper management, it can overtake and overwhelm to the point of being unable to think or function. Living like this isn’t sustainable, with those suffering chronic unmanaged stress showing worse overall health outcomes than others.
We all experience moments of indulgence that lead to overeating. If it happens once in a while, it's nothing to worry about. If it happens frequently, you may wonder if you have an overeating problem or "food addiction." Before you worry, know that neither of those is considered an official medical diagnosis...and more.
Have you heard about meibomian cysts?
This common eye condition causes inflammation and swelling in the eyelids. You can prevent it by adopting healthy eye care practices.
In this article, we’ll discuss essential tips for maintaining healthy eyes for life, including...and more.
When it comes to exercise having a standard routine or adhering to a specific habit may not be a bad thing because any form of regular physical activity provides some benefits and is better than doing nothing at all...and more.
More than 20,000 new food and drink items hit our grocery store shelves each year and, with so much conflicting information about health and nutrition floating around, it can be challenging to know what you should and should not be putting in your body...and more.
The days of simply hitting the gym for 30 minutes every day and calling it good a day are long gone. Now, many health experts are recommending that you aim to hit 10,000 steps per day, a number that seems really daunting at first but is surprisingly easy to reach...and more.
Some people talk about drinking enough water as if it's the most important cure for everything, from clear skin to regular bowel movements. And while nothing is an overnight fix, drinking enough water significantly impacts your overall health, as our bodies are made up of 60% water, according to Healthline..and more.
Most gyms and fitness studios shuttered their physical doors, at least temporarily, in response to the new global reality. But many rapidly launched or expanded virtual portals to exercise, ranging from Spin and Pilates to yoga, dance, and martial arts classes...and more.
Visiting a physiotherapist can be essential for anyone in need of physical rehabilitation, injury prevention or long-term pain management. A physiotherapist specializes in assessing, diagnosing and treating physical impairments that affect the movement and function of the human body...and more.
Maintaining an active lifestyle in this digital age can be daunting, according to Dr. Daniel Gusberti expert family physician...and more.
Have you ever wondered why you get so thirsty after a tough workout or an afternoon in the sun? Anytime you work up a sweat, your body loses some of the fluid that keeps it hydrated. That depletion puts you at risk for dehydration, which means replenishments are vital...and more.
For any self-professed spicy food aficionado, a meal would never be complete without a dash or two of the hot stuff. And while eating spicy food certainly isn't for everyone, a considerable number of people across the globe find joy in every spice-filled bite..and more.
We offer breathwork sessions in the Lindywell app because tuning in to your breath is one of the most powerful tools in your toolbox, it certainly is for me. A recent study found that intentional breathing techniques relieved markers of depression, anxiety, stress, or other low mood states...and more.
Rick Kaselj
Venturing on a journey towards a healthier and more comfortable life is significant. We understand that people have different wellness motivation goals. Regardless of your objectives, we’re committed to supporting and guiding you through the process. Whether you want to find balance despite chronic illnesses or lose weight, we’re here to help because we believe you can...and more.
Jennifer Mulder
Our culture tends to applaud those individuals who are early to bed and early to rise. However, if you’re the type who prefers to wake up slowly and stay up late working the night away, you’re not alone. There is a perfectly logical chronotype to explain your late-night productivity habits...and more.
When your goal is to get rid of belly fat, one thing's for sure: You have to be realistic with your game plan. That means realizing you'll most likely want to snack...and more.
Sometimes the people we love can bring us down with their pessimism. Here, Sonima's psychologist offers a practice to help you avoid catching their outlook...and more.
 Catherine Beard
In order to cultivate a healthy mindset, you need habits that align with your vision and values. In this post, I’m sharing 5 super simple habits that will help you uplevel your mind and reduce stress daily...and more.
During the first few body scan meditations I mostly thought about lunch and how my butt compares to other butts anywhere on the planet. Every so often I would notice a sensation in my body...and more.
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Written by John Smith
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